FAQ: 2024 Crokinole Board Season 8: Mahagony or Beech + Cases
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!

Why are these LIMITED? Can't you just make more?

We have a specific number of boards scheduled for manufacturing already with the factory. These take several months to make and we already have the factory reserved for our “Wave 1” boards which will be delivered in October 2024 at the latest. If we run out of Wave 1 Boards we will open up a Wave 2 batch with a later fulfillment date, probably January 2025. We only have guaranteed space for 1150 of each of the two styles of board for Wave 1 at this point but are hoping we can increase that if the factory sees our wave 1 fill up quickly.

We will keep the project updated and shuffle around the number of rewards available for each type of board as the project progresses and open up Wave 2 boards as needed with a later fulfillment date. If you want a board before Christmas then we recommend you pledge early!

Last updated: May 14, 2024 09:37

When do you expect this project to be delivered to backers?

We have a stated goal of October 2024 but hope we can knock a few months off of that as we really want to have all rewards delivered in August 2024 so we can sell Crokinole at GenCon 2024. We will have to see!

Last updated: April 12, 2024 14:54

Is there a difference between beechwood and mahogany, other than aesthetics? How does the veneer surface compare to high-end boards and their surfaces?

There is no difference between the two wood veneers on the boards being offer for this project, it is completely aesthetic. Don’t worry, if you can’t decide you can just get one of each!

There are pictures of boards made of glass, metal, veneer, solid hardwood, epoxy, with photo paper of a picture before the final varnish is applied. What really matters is the WAX you apply to the top surface and the discs. If you apply the wax to both the board and the discs then the surface doesn’t matter, they will all play the same.

Of course if you ask someone with a $500 board they will say their board plays better. The interaction of the two surfaces (board and disc) is identical on a well waxed surface.

Last updated: May 14, 2024 09:37

I pledged but didn't pay the shipping, should I add the shipping cost to my pledge?

Please don’t add shipping to your pledge, just pledge for the reward for two reasons:

1) You may decide you want to add-on something post-campaign during the survey in which case shipping charges might be different.

2) Kickstarter charges 5% of the campaign and since shipping is a significant portion of the total amount, taking 5% MORE out of your shipping reduces our margins which are already slim. Consider our 2022 campaign had more than 2900 backers, if the average backer paid $50 shipping that is $145,000 in shipping charges, 5% is $7,250 USD less for us just for adding the shipping charges during the campaign.

A lot of campaigns like to charge shipping with their projects because it makes their projects “look” more successful. We just want to save the money and ensure you are charged proper shipping at final checkout.

Last updated: May 14, 2024 09:37

Is there a local pickup option if we can come to the Springville Utah warehouse?

Yes, yes there is! During the BackerKit post-campaign survey you will have an option to select “Local PickUp”. We will email or text you when your order is ready to pick up. Note that there is a $5 charge for local pick up this year as we are paying over $5 per board in shipping/customs/duties to get the games to Utah! Still way better than the $20 charge from our 2022 campaign!

Last updated: May 14, 2024 08:53

Does my shipping cost cover VAT too?

Please check the shipping cost section, YES if you are in the EU, Australia, UK or CANADA then the shipping cost DOES cover VAT, as long as you are pledging for at least a board ($99 level).

Last updated: May 14, 2024 08:53

I would like to buy the wax, a bag or other accessory but not the board, is that possible?

We will have all of the accessories on our website at maydaygames.com after the project ends. The wax is a new item and won’t be available until after the project is fulfilled, but we will offer both the 3-ounce travel size tin and a full-sized 12 ounce tin available.

Last updated: May 14, 2024 08:53

I love this project and want to support your campaign, can I just pledge $1 and maybe buy some of the add-ons or accessories?

We will have all of our accessories on our website (maydaygames.com) when we are fulfilling the project and you can jump over there and buy them whenever you’d like. We will not be allowing $1 backers to buy accessories, though they can jump up to a rewards level and add accessories that way.

We really appreciate every dollar raised but backing the project for $1 isn’t going to get you anything special other than the ability to back the campaign later during the post-campaign survey.

Last updated: May 14, 2024 09:37

I have heard you have had some problems handling damaged boards in the past, what have you done to address this issue?

While we have delivered over 10,000 Crokinole boards over the past 10 years, we have had several hundred damaged/defective boards over that time. Our past campaign fulfilled so quickly that we were overwhelmed with the several dozen damaged board issues that came in all at once in 2022 and our customer service agent, Curt, fell behind and wasn’t able to give the attention we needed to the issue.

We have taken a HARD look at how to handle this issue and have made several salient changes both to how we implement quality control at the factory, to how the rewards will be shipped/packaged, to what process we will use to address any damages/defects.


We had a higher than tolerable defect rate from the factory we used for our last several production runs and made the hard decision to switch to a new factory for this campaign. We have gone to what we believe is the MOST trusted factory and have discussed quality control at length with them. We will have an independent Mayday representative on site at the factory during final production and assembly to check the quality and ensure the boards we are shipping do not have any major defects. We will document this process and the factory has agreed to work with us on this very important first step.


In the past, we have shipped the boards with Styrofoam triangles in the corners but in recent years went to a higher level of packaging with Styrofoam on all sides, but there has still been more damage than we are willing to accept during the final shipping to backers. For this and all future production, we are further improving the packing process to even further reduce damage. Check the main page of the project for photos and details of what that looks like. We want to ensure the minimum number of rewards possible are damaged in-transit. As always, every Crokinole board will also be double-boxed or shipped inside our carrying cases to further protect your reward.


To be perfectly frank, our customer service process was not up to the standards our customers expect or need during the last campaign. A single customer service rep doing all of our customer service and trying to handle several dozen Crokinole defects at once was just overwhelming and we dropped the ball. For this project, Brigit is stepping in to specifically help any and all customers for this campaign. Brigit is our VP of Sales and has a background as a customer liaison. She has also been empowered to take any and all action necessary to ensure every backer is happy in the end. While no board is PERFECT, any non-cosmetic damage that affects game play will be addressed and Brigit is setting up a system to more easily handle addressing any damage/defects.


If, in the unlikely (less than 2% historically and less then 3% last campaign) event that you receive a damaged board we will have you email directly to [email protected] to address the issue. Please note the first step with any damage/defect is to take photos of the damage/defect and upload that directly to us through the portal that Brigit will be managing. If the damage/defect is obviously caused during the shipping process, such as a hole through the double box and into the board, we will initiate an insurance claim against FEDEX/UPS and have them refund us in full for your board. We will be stating the value of EVERY shipment to backers at the value of your pledge so we can be fully refunded in full. These carriers ask that you hold onto the damaged product and packaging so they can pick it up or inspect it themselves prior to issuing the refund. Please hold onto everything until instructed to discard it or until the carrier picks up the damaged item from you.

If we start an insurance claim, we will then immediately send you out a replacement shipment at no cost to you, even before the insurance refund is granted.


In the event that the damage is not obviously caused in shipping but appears to be a factory defect, we will ask you to send us photos and a description of the defect and approach each instance on a case-by-case basis. We ask you all to consider that shipping such a large/heavy item will cost around $30-60 USD each way and that in the case of an extremely damaged board that shipping boards back and forth is just not economical. Rather than shipping a board back to us, Brigit may offer you a discount on the damaged board, but if you’re not happy with that offer we will ask you to return the board to us (at our expense). Once the defective board is shipped back to us Brigit will send you a replacement (at our expense). If you are not happy with the 2nd board we may well decide to have you return it to us (at our expense) and may well decide just to refund your pledge in full rather than continue sending boards back and forth.


We would like to apologize for not having a more straight-forward process in place in 2022. We had 2,906 backers and sent all of the rewards out within a couple of weeks of one another and that resulted in many more damage reports coming in than our single customer service rep could handle. The boards being delivered damaged was bad enough, but the way we handled those damage requests was just plain inept. We have dedicated a lot of time and resources to ensure the percentage of damaged boards will be less and that those unfortunate few of you who receive damaged boards will be helped in a more timely and professional manner. We are so sorry for dropping the ball even more than usual in 2022 and hope this project will help rebuild the trust of our backers.

Last updated: May 14, 2024 09:37

I am a retailer or distributor and would love to carry your boards, what about a retailer pledge level?

The MSRP of the boards are $180 and the wholesale price will be about $90 per board. We would LOVE to have your support and get you some boards at reduced prices and cheaper per-unit shipping costs by shipping by the pallet to you. We can fit 14 boards on a pallet or send them 3 per master carton and get them to you. Please email to [email protected] directly about setting up an account and getting you on the preorder list for retailers. We will charge you a modest deposit and bill you for the difference when we ship and Brigit can set that up for you.

Due to thin margins and Kickstarter fees, we aren’t accepting any retailer pledge levels on the project.

Last updated: May 14, 2024 09:37

Can you comment more about the MDF-nature of this board? Is it made with formaldehyde, or are there any particular toxins or health risks we should be aware of? My understanding is that MDF is very vulnerable to water damage?

Yes our boards are always made with MDF, it results in a heavier overall board which is more sturdy and we have heard from woodworkers that plywood is more prone to warping, especially with temperature changes. There is a good overall discussion on just this topic you can read more about over at:


We have a photo of a tracy board on the campaign linked under Technical Specifications, they are also MDF but not even finished/sealed! Our boards will be water-resistant with some sealant on the bottom of the board to protect against water seaping into the board. We really don’t recommend you throw your board in the ocean though as it would ruin it!

No our boards are made of natural wood MDF and contain absolutely no formaldehyde, toxins or anything else that would adversely affect your health! We have bee making these for over 10 years and would never put anything like that in our boards!

Last updated: May 14, 2024 09:37

How can I pay over 6 months interest free and still pledge for this project?

Stretch Pay: Yes Kickstarter doesn’t let you pay over time but you may be able to pay over 6 months interest free. If you check out on our website with Paypal you can select Paypal Credit at check out for 6-months interest free from certain countries. If you’ve never used Paypal Credit before you might just get $20 off $100 purchase, though the lowest pledge is $99 so you may need to pledge for a higher pledge level to get the $20 off.

Check our website at the URL below to see if you qualify:


Last updated: May 14, 2024 09:37

Why are you using MDF instead of Hardwood or Plywood? Isn't that an inferior product?

Our boards are made of MDF base with a real hardwood veneer on the top. Yes, it is real hardwood and not some cheap synthetic veneer (sticker). Note, we did have a problem with our 2011 boards coming as a synthetic veneer when they were advertised as hardwood veneer, but that was many generations back and over 10 years ago, so you can buy with confidence!

Still not sold on MDF? Have a look at a $300 Tracey’s board here:


Looks amazing right? Zoom in and look at the board to see that it is also MDF. There is nothing wrong with MDF and plenty of “high end” boards are also made of MDF. No one makes boards out of solid hardwood, they are either MDF or plywood. The consensus among woodworkers is that plywood is just veneer on top of veneer on top of veneer and that it is more likely to warp and lighter weight than MDF, which is why most top high-quality boards come in MDF.

MDF is also heavier and more stable over time and when exposed to temperature fluctuations compared to plywood.

Last updated: May 14, 2024 09:37

Are your discs convex/concave or flat?

There is no standard on discs being flat or convex/concave. We prefer convex/concave personally and that is what we are doing for this version. But, the 3-time Crokinole World Champion said this about discs:

“…The bottom line is that the WCC Committee has never set a standard for flat vs C/C discs. We just get the best quality we can and no one up til now has requested one or the other. Personally, I’ve won the WCC adult singles 3 times and it’s not something I ever concern myself with, i.e. whether I’m shooting with flat, convex or concave side down. I just make sure the disc is smooth in surface, especially for open 20 shots.” -Brian Cook as quoted here:


Last updated: May 14, 2024 09:37

How many boards can I order?

Because of the limited quantity in Wave 1, we need to limit the number per backer to 3. Within Kickstarter, you’ll only be able to pledge for 2, but can add the third board within the Pledge Manager.

Last updated: May 14, 2024 09:37

Shipping Updates
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!
No shipping updates are provided.
BackerKit FAQ

What is BackerKit?

BackerKit is a service that crowdfunded project creators use to keep track of hundreds to tens of thousands of backers—from shipping details, pledge levels, preferences and quantities, whether they have paid or had their card declined, special notes, and everything in between!

The BackerKit software and support team is independent from the campaign’s project team—BackerKit does not handle the actual reward shipping. For more information about the preparation or delivery status of your rewards, please check the project's updates page.

How does BackerKit work?

After the campaign ends, the project creator will send you an email with a unique link to your survey. You can check out a walkthrough of the process here.

I never received my invitation. How do I complete the survey?

The most common reasons for not receiving a survey email is that you may be checking an email inbox different from the email address you used to sign up with Kickstarter, Indiegogo or Tilt Pro account, or it may be caught in your spam filter.

Confirm that the email address you are searching matches the email address tied to your Kickstarter, Indiegogo, or Tilt Pro account. If that doesn’t work, then try checking your spam, junk or promotions folders. You can also search for "backerkit” in your inbox.

To resend the survey to yourself, visit the project page and input the email address associated with your Kickstarter, Indiegogo or Tilt Pro account.

How do I update my shipping address?

BackerKit allows you to update your shipping address until the shipping addresses are locked by the project creator. To update your address, go back to your BackerKit survey by inputting your email here.

When will my order be shipped, charged or locked?

That is handled directly by the project creator. BackerKit functions independently of the project itself, so we do not have control of their physical shipping timeline. If you want to check on the project’s status, we recommend reading over the project's updates page.

I completed the survey, but haven't received my rewards yet. When will they arrive?

As BackerKit does not actually handle any rewards or shipping, the best way to stay updated on the shipping timeline would be to check out the project's updates page.

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